I dunno... just that I'm doing work right now and I don't really want to do it....
So that leads to implulsive updating...or so as I call it=]
Life is hard at times, but it sure is happy.
I like hanging round with people I like round here=]
though somehow I hate the fact they always smoke=.="
and its quite nice and cosy here, with all te people I get to be familiar with=]
oh what a lucky person I am=]
I think i'm feeling quite at home right now=]
Good thing, right?\(*^_^*)/
Well whatever......I still don't like doing my assignments='[
Just remembered some lyrics from Tegomass' "Chicken boy".
幸せだよ ここに居たら (很幸福喔 在這兒的話)
how lucky I am=]
張貼留言 (Atom)
it's like what i did during my AL... ~.~
回覆刪除results are out tmr.
would our dreams come true?!
too tired to say anything... especially when i just begin my dinner...
nah, its ok=]
回覆刪除i know that feeling